Install of SDM App server fails
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Install of SDM App server fails


Article ID: 244992


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager CA Service Desk Manager


We are having difficulty performing a fresh installation of a CA Service Desk Manager 17.3 Application Server. An error message appears indicating that install was not successful . We are using uncompressed DVD0000000002102.iso Media on disk C:\CA. We have already installed Background and Standby normally, but we were not able to evolve in the first Application Server. 


Release : 17.3

Component : SDM - Install/Upgrade/Configuration


Log entry of interest from the install.log

20XX/06/27 DEBUG [DeployThread: Configurando o CA Service Desk Manager] [ConfigureSDM] configLogScanner errMsg : 06/27 08:43:26.002 WARN      582 Configuration task (Iniciar CA Service Desk Manager serviço(s) no modo admin do bd.) is failed in step : 15

Above indicates that "Start CA Service Desk Manager service(s) in db admin mode" is failing.

In the corresponding stdlogs at that time:

06/27 08:43:43.78 <SERVERNAME.EXAMPLE.COM> confirm_db            276 SIGNIFICANT  ntservice.c            311 Command return non-zero exit code. Command: redirect -m "C:\Windows\TEMP\tmp64" "C:\Windows\TEMP\tmp65" "C:/PROGRA~2/CA/SERVIC~1/bin/sql_check_db"   -R -s <SERVERNAME.EXAMPLE.COM> >"C:\Windows\TEMP\tmp64" 2> "C:\Windows\TEMP\tmp65" . Exit Code: 98

06/27 08:43:43.90 <SERVERNAME.EXAMPLE.COM> confirm_db            276 SIGNIFICANT  api_misc.c             585 Requesting shutdown of system. Reason (AHD50060:FALHA na verificação do banco de dados. )

06/27 08:43:43.92 <SERVERNAME.EXAMPLE.COM> slump_nxd            4960 EXIT         server.c              2856 Slump_nxd was requested to shutdown. Check Prior log information.

The above shows an attempt to run the sql_check_db command to verify the given application server was part of the usp_servers environment, which is part of starting up SDM Services in DB Admin mode, but failed to complete the run (error AHD50060:  Database verification failed)

The main root cause here is that the original application server specification in the usp_servers table was listed as <SERVERNAME>, but the given app server was issued the full FQDN of <SERVERNAME.EXAMPLE.COM>. 

If one tries to run the above sql_check_db on the <SERVERNAME> manually, depending on the parameters:

sql_check_db -R -s <SERVERNAME.EXAMPLE.COM>
This is the original command that the installer tried to run.  It will return a warning that there is no entry in the usp_servers table matching server name "<SERVERNAME.EXAMPLE.COM>"

sql_check_db -R -s <SERVERNAME>
Assuming that the given <SERVERNAME> is present in the usp_servers table, the <SERVERNAME> entry will be detected with a server type of "104" (Application server)


One must do one of the following:

  • Establish an entry in usp_servers that specifies the entry <SERVERNAME.EXAMPLE.COM>
  • Install the SDM component on the given App server, specifying the <SERVERNAME> without its domain name.