Remote PXE Installation from a Command Line
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Remote PXE Installation from a Command Line


Article ID: 244961


Updated On:


Ghost Solution Suite


Remotely install PXE Server with a command through an agent.

Use case:

After upgrading from GSS 3.3 RU8 to RU9, 400+ remote PXE servers need upgraded PXE components.  Using the installation options for pushing the install out using optional components may be too time consuming.


GSS 3.3 RU8 or later

Component: PXE


Using axinstall.exe or setup.exe to install remote PXE servers is too time-consuming when needing to install on many servers.


With the GSS RU8 release and later, you can try the following:

setup.iss contains unique client IP, so a script could be used to automate it.

Currently, 'pxe.exe' needs to be executed with 2 parameter - '-s' and 'full path to .iss' (e.g. PXE.exe -s "C:\Windows\Temp\setup.iss").

These 2 parameters are passed to Pxe.vbs, so Pxe.vbs can be also executed like 'cscript //nologo PXE.vbs -s "C:\Windows\Temp\setup.iss"'.

When the iss file is passed to Pxe.msi without a full path, it sets Property(S): TARGETDIR = \


1) cd to DSSetup folder on the root of the drive

2) run: pxe.exe -s "c:\windows\temp\setup.iss"

Make sure the setup.iss file contains the IP address of the GSS server

or you can use a script with the following: cscript //nologo PXE.vbs -s "C:\Windows\Temp\setup.iss"'