Cannot Create Blueprint Copy
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Cannot Create Blueprint Copy


Article ID: 244884


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


If the Administrator is trying to copy a Blueprint, it is not successful and there are no error messages in the UX to indicate why it is not working.

Steps to Reproduce:  

  1. Go to Modern UX, Administration, Blueprints 
  2. Locate any non-standard Blueprint defined with an Action associated with a process 
  3. Check the box for this Blueprint 
  4. Select the 'Copy' button and update the new Blueprint name 

Expected Results: Blueprint copy should be made or there should be a message or error as to why a copy was not made. 

Actual Results: Nothing happens. 


Release : 16.0.2 



  • In reviewing further, the issue is due to processes associated with the blueprint that are not validated. The process is in Draft mode. 
    • This can be checked in the Blueprint,  Actions tab 
    • Check if the required field (Process Name) is populated. If it is not, then it is not a valid process associated with the action. 
    • The copy works fine if processes associated with the blueprint are validated (not in Draft mode)
    • Example browser trace shows:
      • Request URL: https://<server>/ppm/rest/v1/private/copy/blueprints/5032034 
      • Request Method: POST 
      • Status Code: 400 
      • {"resourceId":"5032034","httpStatus":"400","errorMessage":"Cannot create association. Invalid Process Version Id.","errorCode":"action.errInvalidProcessVersionId"} 


This is reported as DE65667 and is targeted for resolution in 16.1.0.

The copy should work regardless if the process is in draft mode. The blueprint will be copied along with the action associated.

Workaround: The issue is due to a process that is in draft mode. If the process is active, then the copy can be made.