Using "customize Error response" in a encapsulated assertion does not work
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Using "customize Error response" in a encapsulated assertion does not work


Article ID: 244839


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CA API Gateway


We are trying  to use the variables from the encapsulated assertion in the "customize Error response" assertion .

In audits we saw the corect  values of the variables from the encapsulated assertion.

In the customize Error response we do not see the value of these variables


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The "customize Error response" assertion is always running in the context of the main policy so it is not aware of the variables inside the encapsulated assertion itself .  This is also the case when the "customize Error response"  assertion is located inside the encapsulated assertion 

You have to pass the variables back to the main policy using the input and output parameters of the  encapsulated assertion

As a example have a look at the otk manager policy /oauth/manager which is using the encapsulated assertion "OTK Fail with error message"