Report created from adhoc view shows empty
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Report created from adhoc view shows empty


Article ID: 244824


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


We created a Adhoc view in advanced reporting, which shows data in the preview mode. While creating a report of out of the ad hoc view it returns with "The reports seems to be empty". 

Ad Hoc view:


Report created from Ad hoc view



Clarity 16.0.2 and Jaspersoft 7.8


The issue is related to use of crosstab visualization, where the crosstab type view is not complete. Generally crosstabs are used for cross tabulation, and there was no measure or field to tabulate against the columns. 

The ad hoc view design is good to be for a table type view, therefore the Ad hoc view visualization type can be changed to Table type, once done create a report out of the Ad hoc view. 


If Crosstab view is required then add a measure in the row or column element should get the report to work.



Additional Information

Here is a Jaspersoft community reference for creating standard crosstabs: