The DLP Health Indicators dashboard does not update
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The DLP Health Indicators dashboard does not update


Article ID: 244779


Updated On:


Information Centric Analytics


All metrics in the DLP Health Indicators dashboard display a status color of green but show values of 0% for Previous Month, Current Month, and Change. All trendlines are flat. All other DLP dashboards are populated and reflect changes over time. An ad hoc view created in Analyzer confirms incidents created and ingested from DLP as recently as today.


Release : 6.5.4

Component : Metric Collector


The Metric Collector step in the RiskFabric Processing job has failed to run successfully. This can be caused by:

  • The path to the RiskFabricCollector executable (RiskFabricCollector.exe) specified in the step is invalid. By default, the executable is located in the Database Utilities path.
  • The account under which the RiskFabric Nightly Processing proxy runs lacks permissions to access or execute the RiskFabricCollector executable.


To correct the path to RiskFabricCollector.exe in the Metric Collector job step, follow this procedure:

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  2. Connect to the Database Engine hosting the RiskFabric database
  3. In Object Explorer, navigate to SQL Server Agent > Jobs > RiskFabric Processing
  4. Right-click RiskFabric Processing and select Properties
  5. In the Job Properties - RiskFabric Processing window, select the Steps page
  6. Select the Metric Collector step in the Job step list and click the Edit button
  7. In the Job Step Properties - Metric Collector window, edit the path in the Command editor to point to the correct path for the RiskFabricCollector.exe executable
  8. Click the OK button to close the Job Step Properties - Metric Collector window
  9. Click the OK button to close the Job Properties - RiskFabric Processing window

To determine the account under which the RiskFabric Nightly Processing proxy runs to execute the RiskFabricCollector executable, follow this procedure:

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  2. Connect to the Database Engine hosting the RiskFabric database
  3. In Object Explorer, navigate to SQL Server Agent > Proxies > Operating System (CmdExec)
  4. Right-click the RiskFabric Nightly Processing proxy and select Properties
  5. In the 'RiskFabric Nightly Processing' Proxy Account Properties window on the General page, confirm the Credential name specified is RiskFabric Nightly Processing
  6. In Object Explorer, navigate to Security > Credentials
  7. Right-click the RiskFabric Nightly Processing credential and select Properties
  8. In the Credential Properties - RiskFabric Nightly Processing window, note the account specified as the Identity for the credential