CA Business Intelligence 7.1.1 - Installation SSL Handshake Error with SQL Server
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CA Business Intelligence 7.1.1 - Installation SSL Handshake Error with SQL Server


Article ID: 244439


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite CA Identity Manager


This article describes the steps to configure Jaspersoft Server with SSL Encryption enabled SQL Server that will be used by Identity Manager.


Release : 14.4

Component : IdentityMinder(Identity Manager) (Jasperreport 7.1.1)


1. Gather root, intermediate, and server certificates from your SQL Server.
2. Navigate to $JDK_HOME/jre/lib/security where we find the default Java keystore named cacerts.
3. Import the certificates gathered in step 1 to cacerts keystore. Following is a generic example.
    keytool -importcert -file certificate_path -keystore cacerts -alias alias_name_of_certificate -trustcacerts
4. Stop Jaspersoft server tomcat.
5. Navigate to Tomcat8/webapps/reportservice/META-INF and make a copy of context.xml file.
6. Edit context.xml and change JDBC url as shown in the following example.
    <Resource name="jdbc/jasperserver" > is the tag which contains connection information of Jasperserver database.
7. Save context.xml and Start Jaspersoft server tomcat.

Additional Information

JasperReport 7.1.1 does not support TLS 1.2. If you are only allowed to use TLS 1.2 in your environment then wait for 14.4CP2 for JasperReport 8.X

JasperReport 7.1.1 Install Documentation

How to install TIBCO JasperReportsĀ® Server to a SSL Enabled SQL Server database