Implement cryptographic mechanisms for ProxySG Web Management Console and SSH sessions
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Implement cryptographic mechanisms for ProxySG Web Management Console and SSH sessions


Article ID: 244397


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ISG Proxy ProxySG Software - SGOS


The Symantec ProxySG Web Management Console and SSH sessions must implement cryptographic mechanisms to protect the confidentiality of nonlocal maintenance and diagnostic communications


Verify only AES ciphers are used for nonlocal maintenance and diagnostic communications

1. Log on to the CLI via SSH.
2. Type "enable", enter the enable password.
3. Type "configure terminal", press "Enter".
4. Type "show management services" and confirm that the Cipher Suite parameter contains only ciphers that use AES.


Configure the Symantec ProxySG to use only AES ciphers for nonlocal maintenance and diagnostic communications.

1. Log on to the CLI via SSH.
2. Type "enable", enter the enable password.
3. Type "configure terminal" and press "Enter".
4. Type "management-services" and press "Enter", type "edit HTTPS-Console" and press "Enter".
5. Type "view" to display the list of configured cipher suites.
6. Type "attribute cipher-suite" followed by a space-delimited list of only cipher suites from step 5 containing AES and press "Enter".