While manually PXE booting, Press [F8] to Select a boot option prompt is garbled and countdown is incorrect
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While manually PXE booting, Press [F8] to Select a boot option prompt is garbled and countdown is incorrect


Article ID: 244349


Updated On: 06-30-2022


Ghost Solution Suite


The customer has set a timeout for the default PXE boot option and is prompted to "Press [F8] to Select a boot option"

However, the prompt is garbled/unreadable and the countdown timer doesn't match what is set in the PXE configurator sometimes showing a countdown of 20-30 seconds.


The issue is related to enabled MTFTP under "Multicast" menu in the PXE configuration utility. If this option is checked but the customer's environment isn't set up properly for MTFTP, the issue may be seen.


Remove/uncheck option for MTFTP under "Multicast" tab in PXE Configuration Utility and save changes.