JDE job is failing: unable to submit job. Check that the query on table F986111 is for the correct schema.
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JDE job is failing: unable to submit job. Check that the query on table F986111 is for the correct schema.


Article ID: 244343


Updated On:


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


The JDE job is failing with the error message below.


pool-1-thread-4: JDEUbeJob: Entry runJob

Mon Feb 14 09:30:51 EST 2022

In JDE Job

pool-1-thread-4: JDEUbeJob: Setting agent level jobServerCom


Using login: JDE

pool-1-thread-4: JDEUbeJob: Entry doRunUbe

pool-1-thread-4: JDEUbeJob: jdePrintImmediate

pool-1-thread-4: JDEUbeJob: JDE printer

pool-1-thread-4: JDEUbeJob: get max runid

pool-1-thread-4: JDEdwardsAgentImpl: Entry getMaxRunid

pool-1-thread-4: JDEdwardsAgentImpl: SQL:select CAST(jcjobnbr AS VARCHAR(25)) as runID from UC4.SVM910.F986111 where upper(rtrim(jcexehost)) =?

pool-1-thread-4: JDEdwardsAgentImpl: Get connection

pool-1-thread-4: JDEdwardsAgentImpl: getConnection: CONN.JDEDWARDSAGENT.JDEBTA

pool-1-thread-4: JDEdwardsAgentImpl: getConnection: from pool 0 CONN.JDEDWARDSAGENT.JDEBTA net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.JtdsConnection@13750c58

pool-1-thread-4: JDEdwardsAgentImpl: Define SQL

pool-1-thread-4: JDEdwardsAgentImpl: DB retries:3600 retry sleep:30

pool-1-thread-4: JDEdwardsAgentImpl: Execute SQL:select CAST(jcjobnbr AS VARCHAR(25)) as runID from UC4.SVM910.F986111 where upper(rtrim(jcexehost)) =?

pool-1-thread-4: DBCall: runSqlQuery: select CAST(jcjobnbr AS VARCHAR(25)) as runID from UC4.SVM910.F986111 where upper(rtrim(jcexehost)) =? [<servername>]

pool-1-thread-4: DBCall: runSqlQuery: rows 0 retry: false elapsed ms 15 select CAST(jcjobnbr AS VARCHAR(25)) as runID from UC4.SVM910.F986111 where upper(rtrim(jcexehost)) =? [<servername>]

pool-1-thread-4: JDEdwardsAgentImpl: Exit getMaxRunid 1

pool-1-thread-4: JDEdwardsAgentImpl: getMappedName (entry)

pool-1-thread-4: JDEdwardsAgentImpl: Map:[F0094:, F986111:, F986167:, F986110:, F9860:, F983051:, F986130:]

pool-1-thread-4: JDEdwardsAgentImpl: prefix:

pool-1-thread-4: JDEdwardsAgentImpl: Mapped table:F986111

pool-1-thread-4: JDEdwardsAgentImpl: getMappedName (exit)

Unable to submit job. Check that the query on table F986111 is for the correct schema. Check that the server name (<servername>) is correctly defined in the Agent panel.




Release : 12.3

Component : RA JD EDWARDS


Environmental/Configuration issue


Troubleshooting steps:

-Make sure that the synonym of the table F986111 has been created for the user used in JDE Agent

-Make sure that the table F986111 exists in the target database in the path. Ex. UC4.SVM910.F986111

-Make sure that the target DB server name  used in the JDE Agent configuration and the server name used by the table match. For example, if the JDE Agent is configured to use the target DB with fully qualified domain name(FQDN) then the database table also needs to have the FQDN.