How to get SAMPJCL(INST009) job for SYSVAPPS, Where is the documentation on SYSSVAPPS for *current* (not new) SYSVIEW users?
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How to get SAMPJCL(INST009) job for SYSVAPPS, Where is the documentation on SYSSVAPPS for *current* (not new) SYSVIEW users?


Article ID: 244341


Updated On:


SYSVIEW Performance Management



What PTF do I need to install to get SAMPJCL job INST0009, and any components it requires? 

The current SYSVIEW V16 documentation seems to assume the installer is installing SYSVIEW right now, from scratch, using currently available install files.  Since we have a SYSVIEW R16 that was installed several years go, not all of the new elements, enhancements, features are on our system.

In the section "Configure and Deploy the SYSVIEW Application Server" at  ,

it says " 1. Ensure that installation job INST0009 completed successfully."

We do not have a member named INST0009 in SAMPJCL.  We have INST0008 and then INST010.



Release : 16.0

Component : SYSVIEW


The PTF SO14533  created a new sample job GSVUAPSI to create the run-time directories for the Application Server.                               
PTF SO14533 in the steps to perform it states:
The application of this PTF will require that the volume where the zFS file system was allocated during the initial product install has sufficient free space to extend the file system by approximately 40 cylinders.                                   
The PTF also contains the JCL to use to create 3 new DDDEF's in the SMP/E target zone:                                           
//JOBCARD  JOB (00000000),CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=A,REGION=0M             
//        EXPORT SYMLIST=*                                         
//* Sample JCL to add new DDDEF's to the SMP/E target zone for:    
//*        CNM4APPS                                                
//*        CNM4APSC                                                
//*        CNM4ASAM                                                
//* 1. Set SMPEHLQ to the SMP/E high-level qualifier used for      
//*    product installation.                                       
//     SET SMPEHLQ='smpehlq'                                       
//* 2. Set PATHPFX to the USS directory path prefix used for       
//*    product installation. If you're not sure what the path      
//*    prefix was, query the CNM4BJAR DDDEF in the target zone.    
//*    The path prefix will be everything preceding /sysview.      
//*    If the path contains more than one /sysview sub-directory,  
//*    then path prefix will be everything preceding the last      
//*    occurrence of /sysview.                                     
//*    It your PATHPFX is longer than 37 bytes, the path name      
//*    will need to span multiple lines in the DDDEF step. The     
//*    resolved path name should extend up to column 72, and be    
//*    continued in column 1 of the following line.                
//*                          1         2         3                 
//*                 ....5....0....5....0....5....0....5..          
//     SET PATHPFX='/cai'                                          
//* 3. Set SMPETZ to the SMP/E target zone name used for           
//*    product installation.                                       
//     SET SMPETZ='CAIT'                                           
//* Note: If the VERIFY step fails, it could be that zFS file      
//*       system created during product installation is no longer  
//*       mounted, or the file system is not accessible from the   
//*       system that this job ran on.                             
//* Verify the file system is mounted                              
//VERIFY   EXEC PGM=BPXBATCH                                       
//STDERR   DD SYSOUT=*                                             
//STDOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                                             
//STDPARM  DD *,SYMBOLS=EXECSYS                                    
SH cd &PATHPFX/sysview/cnm4g00;                                    
   cd CNM4BJAR;                                                    
//* Create the USS directories                                     
//CR8DIR   EXEC PGM=BPXBATCH,COND=(0,NE)                           
//STDERR   DD SYSOUT=*                                             
//STDOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                                             
//STDPARM  DD *,SYMBOLS=EXECSYS                                    
SH umask 0002;                                                     
   cd &PATHPFX/sysview/cnm4g00;                                    
   mkdir -p -m 775 apps/CA;                                        
   mkdir -p -m 775 apps/config/CA;                                 
   mkdir -p -m 775 apps/samples/CA                                 
//*  Add DDDEF's in the target zone                                
//DDDEF    EXEC PGM=GIMSMP,COND=(0,NE)                             
//SMPCSI   DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&SMPEHLQ..CSI                       //SMPRPT   DD SYSOUT=*                                             
//SMPOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                                             
//SMPCNTL  DD *,SYMBOLS=EXECSYS                                    
  SET BOUNDARY(&SMPETZ) .                                          
  UCLIN .                                                          
  ADD DDDEF(CNM4APPS)                                              
      ) .                                                          
  ADD DDDEF(CNM4APSC)                                              
      ) .                                                          
  ADD DDDEF(CNM4ASAM)                                              
      ) .                                                          


Use the SAMPLE JCL in member GSVUAPSI to create the run-time directory instead of the INST0009 SAMPJCL
the INSTALL process was executed before you applied Feature PTF SO14533.
You can find the sample JCL in member GSVUAPSI in the CNM4BSAM library.

Additional Information

As a suggestion if you browse your SYSVIEW SMPLOG output file and do a FInd on the CNM4APPS DD.