Error received from CCS agent: ERRORED OR Error executing datasource handler for Agent based target
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Error received from CCS agent: ERRORED OR Error executing datasource handler for Agent based target


Article ID: 244335


Updated On:


Control Compliance Suite Standards Server


We have an issue scanning Ubuntu 18 servers with CIS Benchmark for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS v1.0.0 Level 1 policy. We are getting error "

“Error received from agent: ERRORED”

We tried article Error received from agent: ERRORED” when running a data collection on CCS agents. but with no success.

OR you are seeing the error message "Error executing datasource handler for Agent based target"

From the Agent logs (DCModule.log) you see an error like this:

3575|2022/06/21|11:04:01| BvCUCommandsDataSource.cpp|  299|Information: - <dcQueryParams><params><param name="CmdAssociationID" isSecure="False"><![CDATA[82FECB24-####-####-####-####C6705BCC]]></param><param name="StdoutAsMultipleRecords" isSecure="False"><![CDATA[False]]></param><param name="Context" isSecure="False"><![CDATA[Standard: "CIS Benchmark for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS v1.0.0 Level 1" (1.5.0) Check: " Ensure rsyslog is configured to send logs to a remote log host" (1.0.0)]]></param><param name="isPredefined" isSecure="False"><![CDATA[True]]></param></params></dcQueryParams>
    3575|2022/06/21|11:04:01| BvCUCommandsDataSource.cpp|  798|Error: - HexDecode Failed
    3575|2022/06/21|11:04:01| BvCUCommandsDataSource.cpp|  305|Error: - ParseXmlScopeParameters failed
    3575|2022/06/21|11:04:01| BvCUCommandsDataSource.cpp|  192|Error: - 0x5
    3575|2022/06/21|11:04:01|         BvCUDataSource.cpp|  262|Error: - 0x5
    3575|2022/06/21|11:04:01|         BvCUDataSource.cpp|  271|Perf. Timing: - Time taken by BvCUDataSource::Execute for Datasource 'COMMANDS' for Machine: 'agenthostname': Number of Calls: 1, Total time spent in MilliSecs: 110, Time spent in last call in MilliSecs: 110
    3575|2022/06/21|11:04:01|           BVUnixCommon.cpp|  455|Information: - <message level="1" target="agenthostname"><desc><![CDATA[Error executing datasource handler for Agent based target]]></desc><asset 


Release: 12.5.x - 12.6.x


In this circumstance, the CCS Standard being used is corrupt.

If the CCS Standard is exported, only 2 files are created while a 3rd "<StandardName>_Commands.xml" is missing.


To resolve this issue, either export the Standard from a known good source or backup (if it is a custom standard).


Recopy the predefined Standard.

If the predefined Standard is correct you will need to delete and re-install the Standard following these steps.

  1. From the CCS Console find the predefined Standard, right click and select "Delete". You will get the following message:
    "You have selected 1 objects for deletion. Choose Yes to delete objects or No to exit. You have selected predefined standards for deletion. To restore the predefined deleted standard, you must run the CCS Content Installer".
  2. Select Yes to delete this Standard.
  3. Close any Consoles that are running on the CCS Application Server.
  4. On the CCS Application Server: To rerun the CCS Content Installer open Control Panel > select "Uninstall a program"
  5. From the Programs and Feature window select CCS, then select "Uninstall/Change"
  6. After the Content Installer launches, select "Add/Upgrade".  NOTE: if a CCS Manager is NOT installed make sure to check the box for the CCS Manager here.
  7. Uncheck anything you do not want to install such as the "ISO" Framework. Make sure that the deleted Standard is listed and the box is checked.
  8. Select Next a few times until you get to the Summary window
  9. Select Install.
  10. Once it is finished click on Finish.
  11. Relaunch the CCS Console, navigate to the predefined Standards and find the Standard has been reinstalled.
  12. Now use this Standard to run the previously failing job, the job will now complete without error.