Query for Custom List app - I am unable to pull Test Cases based on a particular portfolio item. This also pertains to the API.
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Query for Custom List app - I am unable to pull Test Cases based on a particular portfolio item. This also pertains to the API.


Article ID: 244253


Updated On:


Rally SaaS


I am trying to create a query for the Custom List app to extract Test Cases where the Portfolio Item - Initiative = I105.  

Below are a couple queries that I tried, but with errors.

( WorkProduct.Parent.Parent.Parent.FormattedID = "I105" ) => parent on schedulable artifact not allowed

( Requirement.Parent.Parent.Parent.FormattedID = "I105" ) => cannot find requirement on type "test case"

Is there a query that will do what I'm looking for?



At the moment we do not have a way of pulling this information with one call in our API or on the Custom List.  This is because our SchedulableArtifact Type Definition does not contain the Feature and PortfolioItem attributes.

We do have a Feature Request created to address this, but for now, it will take multiple API calls to gather this information.