Duplicate RI Trigger Names
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Duplicate RI Trigger Names


Article ID: 244239


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Gen - Host Encyclopedia Gen - Workstation Toolset


Getting duplicate names for triggers in different GEN models .

The same name is generated even though it refer to completely different entity types and relationships. 

 Is there a way to avoid  the duplicates? Use different subsets to force a different range of object ids? 


Release: 8.6

Component: Gen Host Encyclopedia


 RI Triggers are assigned default names. These names may be changed on the Host Encyclopedia. There is no significance to the name other than ensuring the name is unique within the model.  RI Trigger name may be changed if an entity type or data record is migrated into the model or if the transformation is repeated.

 The default names for the RI Triggers have no particular meaning other than ensuring that the names are unique within the model.  

  When an entity is created, it creates the HLENT,  ACBLKTD, and IMPLGIC objects. The NAME property of the ACBLKTD object and the MBRNAME property of the IMPLGIC will have the same value. It is an 8 byte char name starting with an 'E' followed by a unique number. It uses the last 7 digits of the CEID of the HLENT for the default value. (Note that CEIDs can have a max of 10 digits). During the upload process on the HE, if the default trigger name is not unique (within the model) it will create a member name that starts with IMP and the last five digits of the IMPLGIC CEID. 

If that is not unique, it will increment it by 1 and validate it again and repeat until a unique name is found.  If the IMPLGIC MBRNAME is renamed, the associated ACBLKTD NAME will also be updated with the same value. The  two properties are always kept in sync. 

 During transformation of a relationship, when the LINKFK is created, it creates the ACBLKTD and IMPLGIC objects.  The NAME property of the ACBLKTD object and the MBRNAME property of the IMPLGIC will have the same value. It is  eight  byte char name starting with an 'F' followed by a unique number. It uses the last seven digits of the CEID of the LINKFK for the default value.

During the upload process on the HE, if the default trigger name is not unique (within the model) it will create a member name that starts with IMP and the last five digits of the IMPLGIC CEID.  If that is not unique, it will increment it by one and validate it again and repeat until a unique number is found.   If the IMPLGIC MBRNAME is renamed, the associated ACBLKTD NAME will also be updated with the same value. The two properties are always kept in sync. 

 Note : If a model is copied, the ACBLKTD NAME and IMPLGIC MBRNAME properties are the same as the model it was copied from . This could make it difficult to predict the member names of the RI Triggers without knowing the history of the models.