Cannot connect to a console - getting generic errors
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Cannot connect to a console - getting generic errors


Article ID: 244181


Updated On:


Automation Point


When setting up a new console and entering the IP Address, or Host IP name, with a LUname and port, and getting the error message 'RECV: HandleRejectCode: Unknown Error'.

What is the issue?


Release : 11.7

Component : Automation Point


The message AP receives, the RECV: HandleRejectCode: Unknown Error, is some issue in the configuration of the console at the other end, not AP... 

Please check the settings and see if the IP address or IP hostname can be reach the console with a telnet session.. Or some other emulator... 
AP is accessing the session via his 3270 session emulator, which is the same as any other session emulator...
Try to use another emulator to see if the session can be reach via this way.
If this is also a problem, please check your PNC, or ASO ICC adapter settings.. It's possibly a configuration issue at this part of the connection