Thinking of creating a custom probe to monitor something via REST?, this will provide the info to get started.
Main tech docs page for RESTMon
Sample json files are in restmon_sample_schemas.
Navigate to
It is a standard zip, download to your laptop and extract, it will not import into the Nimsoft archive.
Helpful websites for working with json
Put code in json, enter sample code in extraction query.
It is highly recommended that all work be done in your development environment and only after you are sure it's working as expected and then import it into production.
This YouTube video has a very good explanation of RESTMon although it is for RESTMon in general and not specific to UIM.
Development Guide
This article is meant for the developer:
DX UIM Restmon Development Guide
Additional KB Articles docs with examples
Example restmon probe connection to an endpoint that requires bearer authentication
How to generate change_events using RESTMON