Load DWH Job fails with Unable to find plugin with ID 'Kettle'
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Load DWH Job fails with Unable to find plugin with ID 'Kettle'


Article ID: 244145


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


Load DWH jobs are failing intermittently with the below error.

Error occurred during initializationorg.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException: Unable to find plugin with ID 'Kettle'. If this is a test, make sure kettle-core tests jar is a dependency. If this is live make sure a kettle-password-encoder-plugins.xml exits in the classpath


Release : Any

Component : Clarity Data Warehouse


This is caused when the Job runs on Job scheduler thread which is running on APP Service.


  • Login to NSA -> Application Tab.
  • Uncheck the check where it says "Run Job Scheduler" for Service ID : app. (it can also be app2, app3...)

As you uncheck the "Run Job Scheduler" from an APP, ensure that there is at least one BG service with this option enabled so that jobs continue to run.

Note: We do not recommend running Job Scheduler on app service, it should be ran on BG service only