Unexpected Server received stop signal in CA Access Gateway (SPS)
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Unexpected Server received stop signal in CA Access Gateway (SPS)


Article ID: 244103


Updated On:


SITEMINDER CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder)



When starting CA Access Gateway (SPS), this one doesn't start, and the mod_jk connector reports:    


   [Mon Jun 13 10:40:21.394 2022] [3772:2068] [error] ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1724): 
   (ajp13) connecting to backend failed. Tomcat is probably not started or is listening on the wrong port (errno=61)

   [Mon Jun 13 10:40:22.515 2022] [3772:2068] [error] ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1724): 
   (ajp13) connecting to backend failed. Tomcat is probably not started or is listening on the wrong port (errno=61)

   [Mon Jun 13 10:40:22.515 2022] [3772:2068] [error] ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2795): 
   (ajp13) connecting to tomcat failed (rc=-3, errors=382, client_errors=0).

This happens as the CA Access Gateway (SPS) shuts down automatically just after having fully started up:


  [15/Jun/2022:11:25:37-145] [INFO] - {/authapp=sessionassuranceapp, /chs=chs, /affwebservices=affwebservices}
  [15/Jun/2022:11:25:37-160] [INFO] - Server received stop signal.




  CA Access Gateway (SPS) 12.8SP6a on Windows 2016;
   AdoptOpenJDK 1.8.0_322;




Another process using port 8005 already on the system causes this issue.

The Application Event Viewer reports the error:

   SPS Proxy Engine process could not be started. Retried three times. Command used :
   -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256M
   -DSM_AGENT_LOG_CONFIG="" -Dfile.encoding=UTF8

Running the command in the DOS console:

   -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256M
   -DSM_AGENT_LOG_CONFIG="" -Dfile.encoding=UTF8

It shows that port 8005 was already used when Tomcat tried to bind it.

In DOS console, running netstat command, the PID 4 uses the port 8005 already:

   c:\> netstat -ano -p tcp| findstr 8005

        TCP        ESTABLISHED    4

In Task Manager, PID 4 properties show it's related to process:  ntoskml.exe.

According to that post, this is an issue with the SMS service (1), and it's recommended the disable the service or force it to use another port.




  • Get in touch with the Windows System administrator to disable the "SMS Agent Host" service, or configure it to use another port than 8005 to fix this issue.


Additional Information



    Port 8005 is used By Windows 10 System Process

      check the file c:\Windows\CCM\Logs\DeltaDownload.log for port 8005

      stop the service "SMS Agent Host"