Provisioning Server not generating inbound notification objects or generating incorrect ones such as Provisioning Modify Object instead of something more specific like Modify Account or Modify Global User.
The Configuration Object "Audit Logging Configuration" controls which notifications are generated, how different provisioning actions map to specific notification event types, what optional information is included in the notifications, whether to send a start notification as the start of the operation in addition to the normal end notification, etc.
Note: The contents of the "Audit Logging Configuration" object are not intended to be editable by customers. CA only tests with the shipped configuration and there is no provision to preserve updates made in the field.
As a maintenance tool, the IMPS ships with a utility (EtaLoadNotificationConf) that can be used to rebuild the config object.
All Identity Manager
The Configuration Object "Audit Logging Configuration" is corrupt, incomplete, or missing.
Use an ldapbrowser to connect to the the Provisioning Server and delete the following object:
eTConfigName=Audit Logging Configuration,eTConfigContainerName=Configuration,eTNamespaceName=CommonObjects,dc=im,dc=eta
Run the following command from the Provisioning Server\bin folder to rebuild the object where you replace the GLOBAL_USER_NAME and GLOBAL_USER_PASSWORD with proper credentials:
etaloadnotificationconf.exe user=GLOBAL_USER_NAME pwd=GLOBAL_USER_PASSWORD
Restart the IM Provisioning Server services