Office365 endpoint without MFA configured has stopped working or endpoint cannot be acquired
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Office365 endpoint without MFA configured has stopped working or endpoint cannot be acquired


Article ID: 244037


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CA Identity Suite CA Identity Manager


Office365 endpoint without MFA configured has stopped working or endpoint cannot be acquired


All Identity Manager


Microsoft is rolling out an update to Office365 tenants to require EXO v2 module which causes the below response to be included in the PowerShell response and breaks the Office365 connector:

New update available!
You are using an older version of Exchange PowerShell cmdlets which may be using (soon to be deprecated) Basic authentication.
Please install version 2.0.6 of the ExchangeOnlineManagement module to upgrade to the latest version of cmdlets, which are REST based, more secure, reliant and performant than the remote PowerShell cmdlets that you are currently using.

For more information on the latest cmdlets released, visit:


Configuring and enabling the MFA support on the Office365 endpoint forces the connector to use the EXO v2 module and resolves the problem.

IM 14.4 has the MFA feature already included with the Office365 Connector. Customers would need to follow the steps mentions in the product documentation to install the EXO v2 module for PowerShell and configure and enable the MFA feature.

IM 14.3 has the MFA feature provided as a Hotfix which can be downloaded from the following link