Certificates settings at SSL connections to AP Console Manager
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Certificates settings at SSL connections to AP Console Manager


Article ID: 244014


Updated On:


Automation Point


How to define a SSL connection to the console manager website with a certificate in the new Automation Point 11.7 Console manager?
Which of the three options to configure and how with what kind of certificate.


Release : 11.7

Component : Automation Point


Check chapter 'Use HTTPS to Access the Alert Manager Website'


This is also valid for Console Manager..

Ignore the 2 lower SSL boxes on the below screen (marked in red):


It is need to set the certificate file (typically .cer) and the private key file (.pkcs8) paths to the "Public Certificate" and "Private Key" fields respectively.
In case the private key file is encrypted type the password to the "Passphrase" field.
Switch the "Protocol" radio button to "HTTPS" and preferably the "Connection Port" field to 443 as it is the default HTTPS port.

When changing the port in the above screen, then also the port in the URL needs to be changes...
If port 443 is specified at the HTTPS access, it's needed to use the url:


If something has changed in the above screen, it is needed to restart the APNODE service (via Windows Services app).