Key "managementHost" in configuration settings does not match to gateway management host"
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Key "managementHost" in configuration settings does not match to gateway management host"


Article ID: 243983


Updated On:


Web Isolation


In 1.13 it was possible to manually set this configuration in the UI. After 1.14 it is not possible to change it in the UI as it should always be the actual gateway hostname. If the management hostname was changed in 1.13 then when you upgrade to 1.14 you will see the same error message. Running the given fix command would resolve the issue.



Release: 1.14.50


Please, the modified fix command is shown below. Kindly run the same, push settings, and let us know if that resolves the issue.

sudo docker exec -it $(sudo docker ps -qf name=fireglassadmin) curl -XPUT -kvv -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: bearer fictive'  'http://localhost:9010/configurationsettings/managementHost' -d '{"key":"managementHost","value":"","type":"string"}'

Please see the output in the snippet below, from running the same within my lab environment.

We can change it to get GET instead of a PUT to find out what the current value is before/after:

sudo docker exec -it $(sudo docker ps -qf name=fireglassadmin) curl -XGET -kvv -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: bearer fictive' 'http://localhost:9010/configurationsettings/managementHost'