Getting the error: "Could not convert: State to UNABLE_TO_PARSE"
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Getting the error: "Could not convert: State to UNABLE_TO_PARSE"


Article ID: 243918


Updated On:


Rally SaaS Rally On-Premise Rally Perpetual Hosted


When navigating to a page like Portfolio Kanban, the following error is seen

Could not convert: State to UNABLE_TO_PARSE


This can be caused by a query referencing a state that no longer exists


To resolve this, it will be necessary to locate the offending query.

If this is happening on the Portfolio Kanban board then it's likely that there is a default query specified

If this is occurring on a dashboard or custom page, then it will be necessary to examine the settings on the custom apps and look at the query field to see if there is a reference to an invalid state on any of those app.