SV: Portal is getting this error from browser: HTTP ERROR: 503
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SV: Portal is getting this error from browser: HTTP ERROR: 503


Article ID: 243853


Updated On:


Service Virtualization


Try to login to Devtest Portal and getting the below error:

Followed the below steps but still getting the same error.
1. Shutdown  the Portal service.
2. Then do a ps -aef | grep Portal* and make sure it is down.
3. If it is not down then do a kill -9 PID where PID is process id of the PortalService.
4. Then go to the /tmp folder and make sure you do not see the below file:-rw-r--r-- 1 app     app        5 Jun 14 13:32 i4jdaemon__opt_apps_devtest_bin_PortalService
5. If you do then remove the file.

6. Then try to start the Portal service again and bring it up in the browser.

The portal-grails.log was showing a lot of WARN messages showing information could not be written to lisatmp folder.


All supported DevTest releases.


Permissions issue on folders/files under the siIndex folder in lisatmp_xx.x.0

Some folders under lisatmp_xx.x.0/siIndex/ had an owner of root instead of app caused the issue.

where xx.x.0 is the version of DevTest you are running.


Some folders under lisatmp_xx.x.0/siIndex/ had an owner of root where it should have been the owner app

The Linux admin changed all the folders and file under /logs/lisa/siIndex/ to have an owner of app

Then able to start Portal Service and log in from browser.