IDASH upgrade - after recent Autosys upgrade to 12.0.1
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IDASH upgrade - after recent Autosys upgrade to 12.0.1


Article ID: 243845


Updated On:


iDash Workload Automation


We want to upgrade IDASH to the latest version and point to upgrade Autosys 12.0.1 DB.

1) Can we install new IDASH version on a new ASE 16 Sybase DB then dump and load from Sybase ASE 15.7  then run a script that is similar to what we were provided during autosys upgrade.  Is this option available for IDASH ?

2) If we don't have option one then please provide recommended option step by steps. The goal is to make sure, we have all the SLA , auditrack and history of all the job related information ported to new IDASH. 



Release : 12.1



WE suggested the following 2 options below:

Option 1: Upgrade the Apps server running RHEL6 to RHEL 8 (don't know if this is supported by RedHat)

Option 2: Create a brand new Apps server running RHEL 8 and manually setup iDash 12.0.1 on the new machine

                        -1. Install iDash on the new system.

                        -2. copy the configuration from current $IDASH_HOME/etc

                        -3. copy the log folder from current $IDASH_HOME/log).

                Once the new system is fully functional with iDash 12.0.1, you can decide to upgrade iDash to the latest version 12.1.02, not 12.1.05 that was a typing mistake.