Attempt to start EEM iTechnology iGateway results in Error 1067: The Process terminated unexpectedly
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Attempt to start EEM iTechnology iGateway results in Error 1067: The Process terminated unexpectedly


Article ID: 243831


Updated On:


Autosys Workload Automation


Customer tries to start iTechnology iGateway Service and it errors out with:  Error 1067: The Process terminated unexpectedly

EEM version :-



Release : 11.3.5

Component :


Java being referred to in igateway.conf file was corrupt.


1) C:\Program Files\CA\SC\iTechnology\igateway.conf had an entry like this:


2) Open a command prompt and change directory to C:/PROGRA~1/CA/SC/EMBEDD~1/jre18/bin

java -version

This command gave an error as opposed to showing correct java version info.   This somehow got corrupt, maybe a file got deleted by antivirus or something



3) Open a command prompt and change directory to C:/PROGRA~1/CA/SC/EMBEDD~1/jre/bin

java -version


This showed correct Java 1.8 info


So we copied  C:/PROGRA~1/CA/SC/EMBEDD~1/jre   as C:/PROGRA~1/CA/SC/EMBEDD~1/jre18


4) then Step#2 above was now successful.

5) Restart iGateway service


No errors during the startup this time and then customer was able to login to EEM UI