An SFTP job may fail with the following error:
12/07/20xx 00:00:12.345-0500 5 FtpPlugin.SCP Transfer thread for SOME_JOB/MAIN.StreamEncoder.implFlush[:297] - 12.07.20XX 00:00:12 [WARNING] Operation error. com.jscape.inet.ssh.protocol.v2.marshaling.algorithms.Algorithms$CommonAlgorithmsNotFoundException: Common algorithms not found.
at com.jscape.inet.ssh.protocol.v2.marshaling.algorithms.Algorithms.a(Unknown Source)
at com.jscape.inet.ssh.protocol.v2.marshaling.algorithms.Algorithms.algorithmsFor(Unknown Source)
at com.jscape.inet.ssh.protocol.v2.marshaling.Session.initAlgorithms(Unknown Source)
at com.jscape.inet.ssh.protocol.v2.transport.TransportConnection.handle(Unknown Source)
at com.jscape.inet.ssh.protocol.v2.messages.SshMsgKexInit.accept(Unknown Source)
at com.jscape.inet.ssh.protocol.v2.messages.SshMsgKexInit.accept(Unknown Source)
Release : 11.5 or above
Component : Workload Automation System Agent
The older agent version 11.5 or below are missing newer algorithms.
The new R12 agent has added new algorithms, but requires a patch.
If users are on R12.0 then apply patch LU02923, which is available from Support.
It is also recommended for to upgrade to WA Agent R12.1, which has many kex algorithms added, see these link for more details.
For additional debug information, enable/add the following parameter in the agentparm.txt. This will provide key exchange communications between agent and remote SSH server.
Restart agent.
Please see this link for more details on troubleshooting help.