upgrading the Agent to version 12
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upgrading the Agent to version 12


Article ID: 243816


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Workload Automation Agent


We are upgrading the Autosys agent to 12 on linux machine, however we are getting below error message while upgrading the agent.

Current Agent version: R11.3 SP4 

Errormessage: libjvm.sopreloadLibrary(/opt/ca_tmp/install.dir.15053/Linux/resource/jre/lib/amd64/compressedrefs/libj9vm29.so): /opt/ca_tmp/install.dir.15053/Linux/resource/jre/lib/amd64/compressedrefs/libj9vm29.so: ELF file OS ABI invalid libjvm.so failed to load: j9vm29


Release : 12.0

Component : Workload Automation System Agent


The encountered problem is related to the Operating System compatibility.

The Agent version 12.0 is not compatible with the Linux Red Hat 5 version.


The recommended solution is to upgrade the Linux Red Hat version to one of the latest 7.x or 8.x versions.

Otherwise, for compatibility with Red Hat 5 version, you can install the 11.4 SP1 version of the Agent.

Note that Agent 11.4 SP1 version is no longer supported, please refer to EOS Announcement.