How can I automate the restart of the Automic Automation Intelligence service on Windows?
Release : 6.4.2-2
1. Open a note pad and copy the line below into it and save the file as a *.ps1 file which is a Powershell script.
Get-Service "Automic Automation Intelligence" | Select-Object | Restart-Service
2. Open Windows Task Scheduler, right click on Task Scheduler and select "Create Task.." like below:
3. Make sure the options below were selected:
4. On the "Triggers" tab set the frequency of when you want this task to run.
5. On the Actions tab, select Add action, then in the "Program/script" box enter "powershell.exe".
In the "Add Arguments" box enter "-File <Path to .ps1 file>\fileName.ps1
6. On the settings tab make sure "Allow task to be run on demand" is selected so you can test manually triggering the scheduled task.
7. You can test by right clicking the Task and selecting Run, and verify the Automic Automation Intelligence service gets restarted.