What versions of the DLP OCR(Optical Character Recognition) server are available?
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What versions of the DLP OCR(Optical Character Recognition) server are available?


Article ID: 243644


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What version of OCR(Optical Character Recognition) Server was released with each version of Symantec DLP(Data Loss Prevention)?


OCR was introduced with DLP version 15.0. See the table below for each OCR installer version that was released with each new DLP version.

There are no Maintenance Packs that are released with OCR server.


DLP Version OCR Server Installer
15.0 Symantec_DLP_1.0_OCR_Server_b.zip
15.1 Symantec_DLP_1.0_OCR_Server_c.zip
15.5 Symantec_DLP_1.0_OCR_Server_15.5.0.17015.zip
15.7 Symantec_DLP_1.0_OCR_Server_15.7.0.18016.zip
15.8 Symantec_DLP_1.0_OCR_Server_15.8.00000.19012.zip
16.0 Symantec_DLP_16.0_OCR_Server.zip
16.01 Symantec_DLP_16.0.1_OCR_Server.zip