Error when adding CloudSOC (CASB) secondary domain in CMP
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Error when adding CloudSOC (CASB) secondary domain in CMP


Article ID: 243634


Updated On:


CASB Gateway Advanced CASB Security Advanced CASB Security Advanced IAAS CASB Security Premium CASB Security Premium IAAS CASB Security Standard CASB Securlet IAAS CASB Securlet SAAS


Error was received when trying to add a secondary domain, "Error: Primary and/or secondary domains must include at least one value which matches the current user's domain.


The primary domain had not been configured for the tenant yet.  The logged in user's domain did not match any of the domains that were listed on the tenant


Follow the directions in the tech note "Configure Cloud Services" to configure the primary and any secondary domains.

Additional Information

If your primary domain has already been configured then follow this document "How to manage secondary domains in CloudSOC"