Hire Date and Timesheets page vs My Timsheets portlet
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Hire Date and Timesheets page vs My Timsheets portlet


Article ID: 243569


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


Why can I see timesheets on My Timesheet Portlet that were created before my hire date, but only timesheets after my hire date on the timesheets page in Classic Clarity?


Release : 16.0.1



The hire date determines what timesheets show on Classic Timesheets page.

If by chance timesheets were created before the hire date, those timesheet will not show here.

However, the user will still see these timesheet on their My Timesheets portlet as this does not limit by hire date, only by open time periods.

Additional Information

When timesheet periods are open and it intersects with the resource hire date, it will automatically create the timesheet.
The timeperiods will need to be closed and/or the resource (open for time entry, trackmode=ppm) will need to be set correctly.