Error when running GEL from User PC
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Error when running GEL from User PC


Article ID: 243553


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Getting an error message while running XOG GEL from user PC:

Could not load logger template. Using default configuration.

PPM Installation Directory not found: Continuing with out gel script validation


Release : Any Supported Release


  • This is a normal and expected error message when you run the GEL from your personal PC and not the Clarity server.
  • Upon connection it tries accessing the logger.xml file in the Clarity folder for any custom log config.
  • Since you do not have it on your PC it cannot connect to it which is normal, it skips it and goes on using "Default configuration" for logging.
  • Since this is not the Clarity server, it simply issues a warning to let you know this and will still proceed to run your script as expected.  
  • This is a warning message and you should simply ignore it, it's is not an issue