How to set up Testing Tools server encoding correctly other than UTF-8?
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How to set up Testing Tools server encoding correctly other than UTF-8?


Article ID: 243551


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InterTest - Batch Testing Tools


Using the Testing Tools Server with Visual Studio Code, encoding incorrectly when specify multiple protsym files specified.

Launch.json needs to set up "interTestCharset": "ISO8859-1" order to encoding correctly with single protsym file but documentation shows:

(Optional) Specifies the Testing Tools Server Charset for Listings. Specify this field only if your Testing Tools Server instance is configured to use a client code page other than UTF-8.

Which the Testing Tools Server set up with UT-8 as log shows:

INFO Ýmain¨ org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.parseServerXml <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?

So why interTestCharset needs to set up?


Release : 11.0

Component : InterTest Batch


The standard default configuration of the text output encoding on the server has been ISO8859-1. Naturally, communicating with the server must use the same encoding.

The Testing Tools Server prints the code pages that are used upon initialization; 

 INFO: Mainframe code page: IBM1047   <-- controlled by the environment variable INTERTEST_ZOS_CODEPAGE, set in CAVHUOPT
 INFO: Client code page: ISO8859-1    <-- controlled by the variable FILE_ENCODING, set in members CAVHOPTS / CAVHUOPT

Sites that deal with non-US character sets in own source code may need to change one or both of these settings.

Setting the "Client code page" (i.e. FILE_ENCODING) on the server to "UTF-8" is to eliminate the problem with the many national code pages throughout the whole communication channel.

If the server has FILE_ENCODING=UTF-8 then all clients need to be configured to use UTF-8 as well.

The EBCDIC source is assumed to be in "Mainframe code page" (IBM1047 in some case), and it's converted to "Client code page" by the server.