Is the client to server communication in Applications Manager encrypted?
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Is the client to server communication in Applications Manager encrypted?


Article ID: 243547


Updated On:


CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)


Is the traffic going back and forth between the client and RmiServer encrypted? 


Release : 9.4



The client to Server communication in Applications Manager is encrypted. The connection is using Java and Java sockets, which uses Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE).

JSSE uses both the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol and the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol to provide secure, encrypted communications between your clients and servers.

Please refer to Oracle for more information.

To see some additional information regarding encryption, enable client debug, launch the client and log in, and review the client.log file. The below information or similar can be seen:

Initializing JCE (see Java Cryptography Extension): AES 256 
17:26:51.238 AWT-EventQueue-0: encrypt 5
17:26:51.238 AWT-EventQueue-0: decrypt 0
Data decrypted Initialized JCE
JCE Initialized successfully 279
17:26:51.240 AWT-EventQueue-0: .ClientSocketManager: keystore specified
17:26:51.240 AWT-EventQueue-0: decrypt 0
17:26:51.240 AWT-EventQueue-0: .AxOptions: RMISocketTimeout=300
17:26:51.241 AWT-EventQueue-0: .AxOptions: SSL=On
17:26:51.241 AWT-EventQueue-0: .ClientSocketManager: createSocket
17:26:51.245 AWT-EventQueue-0: .AxOptions: ClientRMIPortNumber=0
17:26:51.245 AWT-EventQueue-0: .ClientSocketManager: createSocket from myhost/
17:26:51.245 AWT-EventQueue-0: .AxOptions: SSL=On
17:26:51.287 AWT-EventQueue-0: .SocketManager: TLSv1.3 SunJSSE version 11
17:26:51.293 AWT-EventQueue-0: .KeyManager: ---alias: automic
17:26:51.293 AWT-EventQueue-0: .KeyManager: ---KeyMgr: CN=automic, OU=support, O=automic, L=bellevue, ST=wa, C=us
17:27:12.372 AWT-EventQueue-0: .ClientSocketManager: myhost/ Connection timed out: connect
17:27:12.372 AWT-EventQueue-0: .ClientSocketManager: createSocket from myhost/
17:27:12.373 AWT-EventQueue-0: .AxOptions: SSL=On
17:27:12.374 AWT-EventQueue-0: .SocketManager: TLSv1.3 SunJSSE version 11
17:27:12.377 AWT-EventQueue-0: .KeyManager: ---alias: automic
17:27:12.377 AWT-EventQueue-0: .KeyManager: ---KeyMgr: CN=automic, OU=support, O=automic, L=bellevue, ST=wa, C=us
17:27:12.457 AWT-EventQueue-0: .ClientSocketManager: connected Socket[,port=1099,localport=51242]
17:27:12.458 AWT-EventQueue-0: .B: Socket[,port=1099,localport=51242]
17:27:12.458 AWT-EventQueue-0: .ClientSocketManager: sendHandshake Socket[,port=1099,localport=51242]
17:27:12.709 HandshakeCompletedNotify-Thread: .ClientSocketManager: using SSL cipher suite: TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
17:27:12.951 AWT-EventQueue-0: .ClientSocketManager: sendHandshake completed Socket[,port=1099,localport=51242]

Please note that the communication security for these connections is handled by Client and Server Java and the settings configured within Java such as the file.