You may receive the following error when running a report as a non-administrator "This report may be based upon data that is not present in your database. Please ensure you have any associated data already loaded prior to running the report"
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You may receive the following error when running a report as a non-administrator "This report may be based upon data that is not present in your database. Please ensure you have any associated data already loaded prior to running the report"


Article ID: 243539


Updated On:


Client Management Suite IT Management Suite


In addition to the message: "This report may be based upon data that is not present in your database.  Please ensure you have any associated data already loaded prior to running the report", the actual report does not returning any data.

Inspecting the SMP logs shows the following error:

Failure running Report 'Cloned for 6 Months of Data Windows Compliance by Computer' (9b101978-e28f-4290-9a29-83a71690390b). Please check the configuration of the query. 

An unexpected SQL error occurred when running the RawSqlDataSource: 'Cloned for 6 Months of Data Windows Compliance by Computer' (2031901b-0cb1-41aa-8d92-90d5b93b7c96)

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__#A4DB545__E94AFBA6AEF492EF'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.@tmpScopeCollection'. The duplicate key value is (######-36ec-df57-dc7e-26f291e5b6b6).

The statement has been terminated.

SQL Exception details: code=2627, line=76, procedure=spPMWindows_ComplianceByCVE


Release: 8.6


Report scoping set to Computers


Notice when running the report, that it's scoped to Computers.  The end-user most likely does not have access to the Computers Asset. The computer's asset is all computers.  You will need to click on Computers to change it to the Organizational Unit that you have access to.