External database connection shows as not configured in vApp dashboard - after upgrade of vApp from 14.3 cp2 to 14.4-version
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External database connection shows as not configured in vApp dashboard - after upgrade of vApp from 14.3 cp2 to 14.4-version


Article ID: 243483


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite


After upgrading the Virtual Appliance from 14.3 cp2 to 14.4-version, the vApp-management console does not show External database connections on the console page,

instead, it shows "Database information is not configured" but if we connect using ssh to the vApp it shows the basic information about the environments different services, the database connections are checked as ok, they show like:

External Database     Ourdatabasenamehere.local  [OK] Connection to IM database     (Ourdatabasenamehere.local:1433) succeeded
                                                                                  [OK] Connection to IP database     (Ourdatabasenamehere.local:1433) succeeded


Everything is working fine, the database connection is working so it seems like a visual glitch.


Release : 14.4

Component : SIGMA-Identity Suite


Most likely cause is incorrect information in :





Issue was caused by DB connection URL for Identity Portal to be missing escape character


 "DB_CONNECTION_URL_IP": "jdbc:sqlserver:/dbaddress.local\IDM:1433;databaseName=IDM-PORTAL",

Notice missing \ before \IDM

Correct information should look like this:

 "DB_CONNECTION_URL_IP": "jdbc:sqlserver:/dbaddress.local\\IDM:1433;databaseName=IDM-PORTAL",

Notice its \\IDM 

Solution is to redo the external database settings:

Go to vApp Management UI - click the hamburger icon - click SETUP 

then external database - configure - clear all - confirm your choice

Type in information in fields and click Test All connections.

Everything should be green confirm - apply.

vApp will restart applications so you may need to refresh the dashboard status - but after a couple of minutes, you should see the status of your external databases connections in vApp dashboard UI.