Sample of accessing Endevor using TSOLIB
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Sample of accessing Endevor using TSOLIB


Article ID: 243231


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To execute Endevor it requires the CSIQAUTH and the CSIQAUTU libraries to be in the program search list in APF authorized format.

 If you are unable to use LINLIST or STEPLIB for this you must use TSOLIB.  The following is a sample of the use of TSOLIB to access Endevor.


Release : 18.0 

With PTF SO12888

Release : 18.1

With PTF SO12864 

Component : Endevor Software Change Manager


Perform these steps to run Endevor using TSOLIB:

1) Add all libraries you plan on using TSOLIB with to APF authorization. 

2)Set up Rexx to issue TSOLIB commands.  This must be run from the TSO READY prompt. See sample ENDTSO.REXX Attached

    -this REXX/CLIST must issue TSOLIB ACT command to active TSOLIB for an allocated File or dataset(s). 

    -issue a ISPF Panel to access  a panel with a option.(ie. ISPF PANEL(ENDTSO) OPT(1))

    -issue a TSOLIB Deactivate and free any allocated files.

3)Set up ISPF Panel to call Endevor Rexx exec.  Ensure this is in your ISPPLIB TSO concatenation. See sample ENDTSO.PANEL Attached 

   -this panel will be a selection panel either new or existing.

   -the selection option in the previous CLIST/REXX must be a selection to a REXX/CLIST that will start Endevor. 

4)Set up Rexx to setup and call Endevor. Ensure this is in your SYSPROC/SYSEXEC TSO concatenation. See sample ENDCLST.REXX Attached. 

   -This REXX/CLIST should contain "ALTLIB ACTIVATE APPLICATION(CLIST)", Allocation for DD CONLIB if CSIQLOAD is not in TSOLIB, LIBDEFs to all ISPF allocations and  ISPF Select to access Endevor.


Additional Information

This method of accessing Endevor is not intended to be used with the REXX ENDEVORS. ENDEVORS has it's own method internal to that REXX exec. This method is intended to be used with the old access method (CLIST ENDEVOR).


1654543058818__ENDCLST.REXX get_app
1654543043580__ENDTSO.PANEL get_app
1654543023090__ENDTSO.REXX get_app