How to change the default port 8004 for SPE?
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How to change the default port 8004 for SPE?


Article ID: 243195


Updated On:


Protection Engine for Cloud Services Protection Engine for NAS Protection for SharePoint Servers


How to change the default port 8004 for SPE? 

Where to find which port is used by SPE?


Release: SPE 8.2.x


1. To verify which port SPE using, go to Configuration.xml from C:\Program Files\Symantec\Scan Engine and check the port value ex. in my case port 8006

Which match the values in the SPE GUI console below:

2. You can modify the port number by simply opening Configuration.xml in a Plain text Editor (Notepad.exe), ex: from 8004 to port 8006 as per the example above.  

3. Open the Java control panel >> go to security >> add the new address in the Exception Site List as per the example below:

4. If the console still not opening, please make sure that you have all the prerequisites set as per the article below: 

How to enable and access the Protection Engine Java console

Note: Make sure to the point "To allow Internet Explorer 11 64-bit to load the console Frames"
If you are using a 64-bit Internet Explorer browser, you must add the following registry key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN] "TabProcGrowth"=dword:00000000

5. Restart Symantec Protection Engine daemon for the changes to take effect

The Example below shows how successfully changed the port from default 8004 to 8006:

Additional Information


System requirements to install Symantec Protection Engine on Windows

Changing the console settings

About editing the Symantec Protection Engine configuration files