Job Exceptions in a CCS CER or Asset Update jobs or Report Data Sync job
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Job Exceptions in a CCS CER or Asset Update jobs or Report Data Sync job


Article ID: 242908


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Control Compliance Suite Standards Server Control Compliance Suite


In Control Compliance Suite I am seeing

"Job Exceptions Occurred: Some or all identity references could not be translated" when running CER or Asset Updates jobs After Applying SCU 2022-1.

2022-06-01 11:46:36.420,2022-06-01 07:46:36.420,CCSManager,Error,Core.ProducerConsumer,Blade.WorkerProcess,8852,Dispatcher Submit Queue:9,9,Execute,,0,0,"PCThreadPool [Dispatcher Submit Queue] - Execute - Execute() method of ICommand ""Symantec.JobInterfaces.NonDisposingJobProxy"" threw an exception: System.Security.Principal.IdentityNotMappedException: Some or all identity references could not be translated.

Or you are seeing;

"The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship:"

2022-10-26 15:34:53.606,2022-10-26 11:34:53.606,CCSManager2,Error,Symantec.CCS.Common,Blade.WorkerProcess,3572,Dispatcher Submit Queue:10,10,ImpersonateUser,,0,0,LogonUser() API failed with error 1787: The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship for user: ccsserviceaccountuser
2022-10-26 15:34:53.623,2022-10-26 11:34:53.623,CCSManager2,Error,WorkerProcess,Blade.WorkerProcess,3572,Dispatcher Submit Queue:10,10,ImpersonateUser,,0,0,"EvalDispatchJobFile [4d742582-17d5-415e-bbae-154a48069b66-1] - Creating forward jobs for evaluation : System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship
   at Symantec.CCS.Common.Security.ImpersonateUserScope.ImpersonateUser(String user, String domain, SecureString password, Boolean openProfile)
   at Symantec.CCS.Common.Security.ImpersonateUserScope..ctor(String domainUsername, SecureString password)
   at Symantec.CSM.Standard.DPSComponents.WPJob.EvalDispathJob.CreateForwardJobs()"


Release : 12.6.0



This is due to a login failure on the CCS Manager

2022-06-01 11:46:36.498,2022-06-01 07:46:36.498,CCSManager,Error,Symantec.CCS.Common,Blade.WorkerProcess,8852,Dispatcher Submit Queue:9,9,ImpersonateUser,,0,0,LogonUser() API failed with error 1326: The user name or password is incorrect for user: <ccsserviceaccountuser>
2022-06-01 11:46:36.498,2022-06-01 07:46:36.498,CCSManager,Error,BladeDispatch,Blade.WorkerProcess,8852,Dispatcher Submit Queue:9,9,ImpersonateUser,,0,0,"DispatchJobInfo [ReportSyncJob 42963a78-###-###-###-6457bd30faf2-1] - Cancel : System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The user name or password is incorrect


The CCS Manager is in either the Evaluation Role or Reporting Service Role and is in a different domain than the Application Server, where there is no trust between the domains.


The issue is that the impersonation of the user failed. 

Make sure that the CCS Manager is in the same domain as the Application Server.

If the CCS Manager is in a different domain, then a trust must exist between the 2 domains.

Or change the roles so only Reporting Service and Evaluator Service roles are on CCS Managers in the same domain as the Application Server.