UIM - remove an origin from a device
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UIM - remove an origin from a device


Article ID: 242728


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Robot ##### configured origin called 'XY', but shows 'XY' and 'YY' origin too in Operator Console.

How can we remove origin 'YY' from this device? 




Release : 20.4

Component : UIM - ROBOT


The computer system origin information will be stored in two tables CM_COMPUTER_SYSTEM and CM_COMPUTER_SYSTEM_ATTR. 

First time a robot is installed then the primary hub origin will get inserted in to both of the above tables.

In the future whenever we override the origin with a new origin name in the controller, then the origin value in the CM_COMPUTER_SYSTEM will get updated with the new origin name and a new record get inserted in CM_COMPUTER_SYSTEM_ATTR table. With this in OC device details page, both the origins will get displayed with comma separated values. Incase if we want to delete the unwanted origin (which was created by default at the first time) then we need to delete that value from CM_COMPUTER_SYSTEM_ATTR table with the help of the following queries. With that OC will not display the unwanted origin name in device details pane.


Execute the following query to see all origin names for a computer system

Select * from CM_COMPUTER_SYSTEM_ATTR where cs_id = <cs id> and cs_attr_key = 'origin'


Then execute the following query to delete the unwanted origin by replace <cs id> and <origin name to delete> values.

Delete from CM_COMPUTER_SYSTEM_ATTR where cs_id = <cs id>  and cs_attr_key = 'origin' and cs_attr_value = '<origin name to delete>'

Note: Using the above query, we cannot delete the origin name which was created through controller override because that exists in CM_COMPUTER_SYSTEM table