Task server fails to accept connections.
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Task server fails to accept connections.


Article ID: 242671


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IT Management Suite Client Management Suite


Endpoints cannot connect to Task Service on a Site Server and the Site Server could not connect to its own Task Service.

We see the following errors in the Agent logs on the problem Site Server.

Unable to update configuration: C:\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Client Task Server\TaskServer.config
Failed to save config setting in 100 retries @ 00:00:39.8246495, recent error: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Client Task Server\83215a2a-eb75-4007-a81f-88c9a3977f3d'.
   [System.Exception @ Altiris.DotNetLib]
   at Altiris.DotNetLib.Configuration.BaseXmlConfigurationObject.Save()
   at Altiris.ClientTask.Server.CTAgentInterop.UpdateServerConfig(TaskServiceConfiguration config, String installDir, String tmInstallDir, Boolean& restartAtrsHost, Boolean& restartWWW, Boolean& restartDataLoader, Boolean& nsChanged)

Task Status Reporting thread failed.
The directory name C:\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Client Task Server is invalid.
   [System.ArgumentException @ System]
   at System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.set_Path(String value)
   at Altiris.DotNetLib.Configuration.BaseXmlConfigurationObject.InitWatcher()
   at Altiris.DotNetLib.Configuration.BaseXmlConfigurationObject..ctor(Boolean useDefaultFilePath, String filePath, Boolean enableFileWatcher)
   at Altiris.TaskManagement.Common.Configuration.TaskServerConfiguration..ctor(String filePath, Boolean enableFileWatcher)
   at Altiris.ClientTask.Server.Communication.NotificationServerWebConnection..ctor()
   at Altiris.ClientTask.Server.Data.RemoteClientTaskReporting.WorkingThreadProc()




Release: 8.6


We verified that there was no directory located at C:\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Client Task Server, instead, it was located at the default location; C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Client Task Server.

We searched the Registry on the Site Server and replaced all the entries that had the incorrect path with the correct path.

We then reinstalled the Task Service to the Site Server.

Next, we verified that the endpoints and the Site Server could connect to the Task Service. Finally, we sent some test tasks to verify that the Task Service was working correctly.