Potential corruption error
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Potential corruption error


Article ID: 242629


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Autosys Workload Automation


We see this error message when running job_depends:

CAUAJM_E_10257 Potential corruption of job data for joid <570,057>
CAUAJM_E_10310 Failed to get job for joid <570,057>.

How do we determine which job is corrupted and how to fix it ?


Release : 11.3.6

Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys)


You can run the following database query to find the job name :

select job_name, joid from aedbadmin.ujo_job where joid like 570,057 ;


Once you have identified the job, proceed by the steps below to eliminate the potential corruption :

1. Verify to make sure the job is Not in Running status by :

autorep –d –J jobname


2. In case the job is running wait until the job has completed.


3. Then take a backup of the job definition by :

autorep -q -J jobname > jobname.jil


4. Then recreate the job properly to fix the potential corruption by :

$ jil

jil>>1> delete_job: jobname ;

jil>>2> exit 


5. Use the backup of the job definition to recreate the job by :

jil < jobname.jil >jobname.res


In case the delete of job failed, you can proceed by the following steps to get the job deleted properly:

update ujo_job set is_active = 0 where joid =  570,057 ;

update ujo_job ser is_currver = 0 where joid = 570,057 ;

commit ;