Unable to connect via AWI: No connection to the following CPs could be established: [server fqdn]:8443
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Unable to connect via AWI: No connection to the following CPs could be established: [server fqdn]:8443


Article ID: 242598


Updated On: 09-26-2023


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine CA Automic One Automation


When installing Automation Engine version 21, AWI login does not work.  The AWI shows the following error:

'Connection to the AE system not possible. No connection to the following CPs could be established: [ae server fqdn]:8443'

The following errors are present in AWI log file:

 [WARN ] NOLOGIN/- 1303F8AB700E06BC8D2DD176E2660C21-1   [com.uc4.ecc.framework.core.inject.AEAwareScope] - Cannot inject Key[type=com.uc4.ecc.framework.core.interfaces.IContentService, annotation=[none]] when no AE Connection is set on context.

Sometimes, the following may be seen as well:

 [WARN ] NOLOGIN/- 1303F8AB700E06BC8D2DD176E2660C21-2  +5 [com.uc4.ecc.plugins.login.api.BaseAutomationEngineLoginBehaviour] - This took too long. 10.019s/10.019s [Automation Engine login: result]


Release : 21.0.X

Component : Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine




As of version 21, the installation of the Java Communication Process (JCP) is also relevant for the TLS/SSL connection to the UNIX, Windows, and Java based agents, the Automic Web Interface, and the Java API. This connection is done through secure WebSockets (WSS). Follow this Knowledge Base Article on how to create a certificate with for JCP with Keystore Explorer for AWA v21. Full installation instructions for JCP can be found here.

Troubleshooting and Resolution:

If after creating and importing the certificate above errors are present, verify that connection value 'cp ip=' in uc4config.xml matches CN= value in the certificate.

CN = value corresponds to the server identity, called the Common Name (CN). It can be found in a Subject of your certificate.

It is case sensitive, so both values have to match exactly. 

See example below:


 <!-- 0: off, 1: send, 2: receive, >=3: all -->
 <trace count="10" xml="0"></trace>
  <connection name="V123U" system="V123U">
   <cp ip="[AutomicServer1 FQDN]" port="8443"/>



You can also see the certificate information in the JCP log by looking for two lines like this:

Jetty: x509=X509@33818227(jetty,h= [server FQDN],w=[]) for Server@3b9c7379[provider=null,keyStore=file:///C:/automic/automationengine/bin/keystore,trustStore=null]
Jetty: Started ServerConnector@1bd964d6{SSL, (ssl, http/1.1)}{}

this is showing the keystore is set to use  [server fqdn] - this must also be used for all JCP hostnames, the certificate must match, and the uc4config.xml file must also use this to connect to.

After uc4config.xml is edited, a page reload is required.