Protection Engine returns -1 values in scan responses & File True Type as "NA"
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Protection Engine returns -1 values in scan responses & File True Type as "NA"


Article ID: 242211


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Protection Engine for Cloud Services Protection Engine for NAS


When performing a scan with the C compiled ssecls, Java compiled ssecls.jar, the REST API or a custom script based on the Java API, Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) appears to always return the bytes scanned and files scanned values are as -1.

{"Symantec Protection Engine IP" : "","Symantec Protection Engine Port" : "1344","Symantec Protection Engine Connection Status" : "Able to connect","File Scanned" : "sample.txt","Scan Policy" : "SCAN","Virus Def Date" : "Thu May xx","Virus Def Revision No" : "0xx","Total Infection" : "0","Bytes Scanned": "-1","Total Files Scanned": "-1","File True Type" : "NA","Status" :"CLEAN"}


Enabling these features requires an additional category3.xml with the following tags:

<EnableDataScannedInICAPResponse value="true"/>
<EnableTotalFilesScannedInICAPResponse value="true"/>


To confirm this issue is related to configuration parameters

  1. To navigate to the default install folder for SPE, do one of the following:
    At the Windows cmd prompt, type:
    cd "C:\Program Files\Symantec\Scan Engine"
    At the Linux bash prompt, type:
    cd /opt/SYMCScan/bin
  2. To find the version number of headers in the xml files, do one of the following: 
    At the cmd prompt, type:
    findstr /R "version=\"0.0.0.\"" *.xml
    At the Linux bash prompt, type:
    grep -e -o "version=\"0.0.0.\"" *.xml 
  3. If the output of the previous findstr or grep command showed no output line for category3.xml, you have this issue.
  4. To check whether DataScannedInICAPResponse and TotalFilesScannedInICAPResponse are enabled, do one of the following:
    At the Windows cmd prompt, type:
    find "ScannedInICAPResponse" category3.xml
    At the Linux bash prompt, type:
    grep "ScannedInICAPResponse" category3.xml
  5. If the find or grep output does not include the below, then you have this issue:
                                    <EnableDataScannedInICAPResponse value="true"/>
                                    <EnableTotalFilesScannedInICAPResponse value="true"/>



To enable the features

  1. If you do not have a category3.xml file, download the attached .xml below, and rename it to category3.xml.
  2. Modify the "version" value in the xml tag to reflect the SPE version. 
    1. "Version" value can be obtained from an existing .xml file (for example, configuration.xml)
    2. <configuration xmlns:xsi="" schemaMajor="1" schemaMinor="0" version="090001" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="configuration.xsd">
  3. Place the category3.xml file into the bin folder where Protection Engine is installed
  4. Restart the SPE service.
  5. while launching ssecls command, add the following two parameters:
    -api 1 -api 2

    Now, ssecls.jar and other methods of scan request via ICAP should show the total files scanned and data scanned in bytes.
    {"Symantec Protection Engine IP" : "","Symantec Protection Engine Port" : "1344","Symantec Protection Engine Connection Status" : "Able to connect","File Scanned" : "testfile.text","Scan Policy" : "SCAN","Virus Def Date" : "Thu May xx","Virus Def Revision No" : "0xx","Total Infection" : "1","Bytes Scanned" : "69","Total Files Scanned"   : "1","File True Type" : "NA","Violation Detail-0" : {"File Name" : "testfile.text","Violation Name" : "EICAR Test String","Threat Category" : "NA","Violation Id" : "11101","Disposition" : "0","File Unscannable" : "false","Uber Category" : "NA","SubCategory ID" : "0","Cumulative Risk Rating" : "High","Performance Impact" : "High","Privacy Impact" : "High","Ease of Removal" : "High","Stealth" : "High","SubCategory Description" : "NA"},"Status" :"INFECTED_UNREPAIRED"}


For getting the "File True Type" information on ICAP response/SPE SDKs, we need to add a category3 parameter so that SPE makes the information available. Attached is the required category3.xml for 8.2.2. Please change the version field in it if the SPE version is other than 8.2.2.


edit the existing category3.xml file and put XML tag <EnableFileTrueTypeInICAPResponse value="true"/> as a last tag just before the </ICAP> tag. so it will look something like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!--Sample XML file generated by XMLSpy v2005 U (><custom xmlns:xsi="" version="080202" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="category3.xsd">

                <EnableDataScannedInICAPResponse value="true"/>
                <EnableTotalFilesScannedInICAPResponse value="true"/>
                <EnableFileTrueTypeInICAPResponse value="true"/>                


Post these changes save the category3.xml, and restart the SPE service. Now, you should get the required type of information.

Additional Information

Note: Before performing an upgrade of Protection Engine to a newer version with category3.xml, please manually remove the file, or the upgrade will fail. You will need to manually change the version string before replacing the file.


1653075595020__category3_1666359057040.xml get_app