ERROR ** Does not support 'main_loc_server=xxxxxxxxx option when trying to test the Spectrum distributed install.
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ERROR ** Does not support 'main_loc_server=xxxxxxxxx option when trying to test the Spectrum distributed install.


Article ID: 242133


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


Hi -

When attempting to install Spectrum  on a RHEL-7 system. When setting up my Host Installation Infomration (HII) file, I'm getting the following error when trying to test the install:

: Creating installation log: LOGS_20220519/xxxxxx.15.01
: Starting Test
***----> : ** ERROR ** Does not support 'main_loc_server=xxxxxxxx' option.
: distinst: Bad command line options
:  usage():  distinst
:            install_dir=<path> (required)
:            install_owner=<username> (required if not patch)
:            vcd_path=<vcd path> (required)
:            main_loc_serv=<location server> (required if not patch)
:            remote_host=<remote host to install on>
:            srad_user=<username for remote host>
:            srad_pass=<password for remote host>
:            locale=<locale for language files to be installed>
:          [ install_type=full|minimal (default=full) ]
:          [ exclude_parts=<PART-NUMBER>,<PART-NUMBER> ]
:          [ ignore_disk_space=yes|no (default=no) ]
:          [ l_handle=<landscape handle> (required unless ss_install=no)
:          [ oc_install=yes|no (default=no unless OneClick install is detected) ]
:          [ patch=yes|no (default=no) ]
:          [ remove_vnmdb_lock=yes|no (default=no) ]
:          [ rptdb_preserve=preserve|removealldata|removeeventdata (default=preserve) ]
:          [ same=yes|no (default=no) ]
:          [ overwrite=yes|no (default=no) ]
:          [ server_password=<passwd> ( optional, Windows only ) ]
:          [ server_username=<user> ( optional, Windows only ) ]
:          [ srm_source_host=<hostname>
:                   (optional if SRM install default=no migration) ]
:          [ srm_source_password=<passwd>
:                   (optional if SRM install default=no migration) ]
:          [ srm_ss_servers=<serverlists>
:                   (separated by ";", optional if SRM install
:                    default=main location server) ]
:          [ ss_install=yes|no (default=yes) ]
:          [ test_only=yes|no (default=no) ]
:                              (default=80 on Windows) ]
:          [ tomcat_root=<tomcat root directory>
:                   (default=oc install directory) ]
:          [ xtn_install=yes|no (default=yes) ]
:          [ huge_landscape_handle=yes|no (default=no)
:                   ("yes" for huge landscape handle type ; "no" for legacy landscape handle type) ]
: Test complete
All tests complete


Release : 21.2



The customer entered an incorrect parameter "main_loc_server" instead of "main_loc_serv"


  • Edit the Host Installation Information file (HII)
  • Change the "main_loc_server=<hostname>" parameter to "main_loc_serv=<hostname>"
  • Run the distributed install.