WebUI: How to customize colors and/or logo
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WebUI: How to customize colors and/or logo


Article ID: 242015


Updated On:


Autosys Workload Automation


This document provides the necessary steps for customizing certain colors and text in the WebUI. This can be beneficial for allowing users to easily distinguish between production and lower environments.  


Release : 12.0, 12.0.01, 12.1, 12.1.01

Component : WebUI



  • You can do all these steps back to back and then clear the browser cache one time - there is no need to restart the WebUI services.
  • If you have the WebUI configured for high availability and you change the color or text of one instance, it WILL NOT change any of the other WebUI instances.
  • Not sure what color you want to use? Use the HTML Color Picker.
  • After applying an incremental patch to the WebUI, the modified color(s) of the login and launcher page(s) WILL NOT be affected. If you added any text to the login and/or launcher page(s), this modification WILL be affected.



 Change Color of Login Page



  1. Navigate to the $CA_WCC_INSTALL_LOCATION/tomcat/webapps/wcc/login/css directory [or %CA_WCC_INSTALL_LOCATION%\tomcat\webapps\wcc\login\css directory].
  2. Make a backup copy of the wcc-common.css file.
  3. Open the original file and look for the following statements (near the beginning of file).


     login-viewport {

           background-color: #FFFFFF;


  1. Change the hexadecimal value to color of your choice (make sure you keep the # sign).


             login-viewport {

           background-color: #ffcce6;


  1. Save the file.
  2. Click the refresh button in your Internet browser and you should see that the login page color has changed.

Note: If you don’t see the color change after clicking the refresh button, clear your browser cache. Then access the WebUI.

Note: It is recommended to use a light/pastel color for the login page. You cannot change the color of the login button and you cannot change the color of the Broadcom logo and text, so a light color would be best so you can still see these components.




 Change Color of Launcher Header



  1. Navigate to the $CA_WCC_INSTALL_LOCATION/tomcat/webapps/wcc/launcher/ca/css directory [or %CA_WCC_INSTALL_LOCATION%\tomcat\webapps\wcc\launcher\ca\css directory].
  2. Make a backup copy of the ca-all.css file.
  3. Open the original file and look for the following statements:


           /* ca header css */




                           background-color: #20465f;



  1. Change the hexadecimal value to color of your choice (make sure you keep the # sign).


           /* ca header css */




                           background-color: #e60000;



  1. Save the file.
  2. If you are currently logged in to the WebUI, click the refresh button in your Internet browser. If not, log in to the WebUI. You should see the color change at the top of the Launcher page.

Note: If you don’t see the color change after clicking the refresh button, log out of WCC (if you are logged in). Clear your browser cache and then log in to the WebUI.




 Change Color of Launcher Footer



  1. Navigate to the $CA_WCC_INSTALL_LOCATION/tomcat/webapps/wcc/launcher/css directory [or %CA_WCC_INSTALL_LOCATION%\tomcat\webapps\wcc\launcher\css directory].
  2. Make a backup copy of the wcc-common.css file.
  3. Open the original file and look for the following statements (toward the bottom of file).


.ca-footer {

    background-color: #ffffff;

    padding: 5px;



.ca-footer-copyright,.ca-footer-link {

    font-family: Arial;

    font-size: 12px;

    color: #58666C;



  1. Change the hexadecimal value to color of your choice (make sure you keep the # sign).

.ca-footer {

            background-color: # e60000;

            padding: 5px;



  1. To ensure you can still the text on the footer, change the color of the text to white. (make sure you keep the # sign).


.ca-footer-copyright,.ca-footer-link {

    font-family: Arial;

    font-size: 12px;

    color: #ffffff;



  1. Save the file.
  2. If you are currently logged in to the WebUI, click the refresh button in your Internet browser. If not, log in to the WebUI. You should see the color change at the bottom of the Launcher page.

Note: If you don’t see the color change after clicking the refresh button, log out of the WebUI (if you are logged in). Clear your browser cache and then log in to the WebUI.



 Add/Modify Text to the Login Page



  1. Navigate to the $CA_WCC_INSTALL_LOCATION/tomcat/webapps/wcc/login directory [or %CA_WCC_INSTALL_LOCATION%\tomcat\webapps\wcc\login directory].
  2. There will be 5 JavaScript files with a filename that starts with a hexadecimal number and ends with cache.js. Make a backup copy of all 5 JavaScript files.

[EXAMPLE: 5CE5ADE3325A6742C7FAA2909247D567.cache.js]

  1. Open the JavaScript file and look for the following string: 'AutoSys Workload Automation'.

Note: The string 'CA Workload Automation AE' appears before 'login-product'.

  1. Change the string from 'CA Workload Automation AE' to 'AutoSys Workload Automation - PRODUCTION'.
  2. Save the file.
  3. Do this for all 5 JavaScript files.
  4. Click the refresh button in your Internet browser and you should see the text modifications.

Note: If you don’t see AutoSys Workload Automation – PRODUCTION after clicking the refresh button, clear your browser cache. Then access the WebUI.



You can add or modify the text under the login box (ex. where it says © 2020 CA. All rights reserved.) by completing these steps:


  1. Use the same 5 JavaScript files from when you added text to the login page.
  2. Open the JavaScript file and look for the following string: 'All rights reserved.' It appears before 'login-copyright'.
  3. Change the text or add additional text. Be sure that the text appears between the two tick marks.
  4. Save the file.
  5. Do this for all 5 JavaScript files.
  6. Click the refresh button in your Internet browser and you should see the text modifications.

Note: If you don’t see the text modifications after clicking the refresh button, clear your browser cache. Then access the WebUI.



 Add/Modify Text to the Launcher Page Header



  1. Navigate to the $CA_WCC_INSTALL_LOCATION/tomcat/webapps/wcc/launcher directory [or %CA_WCC_INSTALL_LOCATION%\tomcat\webapps\wcc\launcher directory].
  2. There will be 5 JavaScript files with a filename that starts with a hexadecimal in it and ends with cache.js. Make a backup copy of all 5 JavaScript files.
  3. Open the JavaScript file and look for the following string 'AutoSys Workload Automation'.

PAY ATTENTION! You will see 'AutoSys Workload Automation' in more than one string. You want the string that ONLY has 'AutoSys Workload Automation' in it. (The string 'AutoSys Workload Automation' appears after 'ca-header-logo' and before 'ca-header-product-name'.)

  1. Change the string from 'AutoSys Workload Automation' to 'AutoSys Workload Automation - PRODUCTION'.
  2. Save the file.
  3. Do this for all 5 JavaScript files.
  4. If you are currently logged in to the WebUI, click the refresh button in your Internet browser. If not, log in to the WebUI. You should see the text modifications at the top of the Launcher page.

Note: If you don’t see AutoSys Workload Automation – PRODUCTION after clicking the refresh button, log out of the WebUI (if you are logged in). Clear your browser cache and then log in to the WebUI.



 Add/Modify Text to the Launcher Page Footer



You can add or modify the text in the footer (where it says © 2020 CA. All rights reserved.) by completing these steps:


  1. Use the same 5 JavaScript files from when you added text to the launcher page header.
  2. Open the JavaScript file and look for the following string: 'All rights reserved.' It appears before 'ca-footer-copyright'.
  3. Change the text or add additional text. Be sure that the text appears between the two tick marks.
  4. Save the file.
  5. Do this for all 5 JavaScript files.
  6. If you are currently logged in to the WebUI, click the refresh button in your Internet browser. If not, log in to the WebUI. You should see the text modifications at the bottom of the Launcher page.

Note: If you don’t see the text modifications after clicking the refresh button, log out of the WebUI (if you are logged in). Clear your browser cache and then log in to the WebUI.