How to set individual logonid OMVS segment MAXCPUTIME in ACF2?
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How to set individual logonid OMVS segment MAXCPUTIME in ACF2?


Article ID: 241905


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ACF2 - z/OS


How to set individual logonod OMVS segment with CPUMAXTIME of unlimited or 86400?


Release : 16.0

Component : ACF2 for z/OS


The OMVS segment on individual logonid with CPUTIME parameter can be set using CHANGE command as shown below:

CHANGE logonid CPUTIME(86400)

This will override the MAXCPUTIME parameter in BPXPRMxx PARMLIB member for this logonid.

CPUTIME(max cputime for a dubbed process)
Overrides the MAXCPUTIME parameter in the BPXPRMxx member of PARMLIB for this user. The value can be from 7 to 2,147,483,647. This field is not set when the record is inserted. If the field is not set, a RACROUTE EXTRACT returns a length of 4 and a value of X'FFFFFFFF'. UNIX System Services takes the system defaults set in BPXPRMxx when this field is not set. You can remove this field from the record by changing it to a null value (change user CPUTIME()). CPUTIME is equivalent to CPUTIMEMAX in RACF.