Unable to Export to PDF on some On Premise environments with a custom Cookie
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Unable to Export to PDF on some On Premise environments with a custom Cookie


Article ID: 241782


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When trying to preview Status report in Modern UX getting following error in UI: EXP-01000: Error generating PDF export.

This is using a custom cookie (where additional Cookie information is needed for establishing a valid session). The Cookie will be causing the problem regardless if you're using Legacy SSO. If we take SSO out if the cookie is bound to it, it works with no issue. 

The app log shows following error,

ERROR 2022-03-21 19:23:06,235 [ajp-nio-] playwright.PWPooledObject (clarity:user:%session%:PPM_REST_API) Playwright error during export
com.microsoft.playwright.PlaywrightException: Error {
  message='net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT at https://dev_url/pm/#/project/5226001/status/5396000?print=true
=========================== logs ===========================
navigating to "https://dev_url/pm/#/project/5226001/status/5396000?print=true", waiting until "load"
  stack='Error: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT at https://dev_url/pm/#/project/5226001/status/5396000?print=true
=========================== logs ===========================
navigating to "https://dev_url/pm/#/project/5226001/status/5396000?print=true", waiting until "load"
    at FrameSession._navigate (D:\javatmp\playwright-java-17341893639368050182\package\lib\server\chromium\crPage.js:599:35)
    at async D:\javatmp\playwright-java-17341893639368050182\package\lib\server\frames.js:622:30
    at async ProgressController.run (D:\javatmp\playwright-java-17341893639368050182\package\lib\server\progress.js:89:22)
    at async FrameDispatcher.goto (D:\javatmp\playwright-java-17341893639368050182\package\lib\dispatchers\frameDispatcher.js:79:59)
    at async DispatcherConnection.dispatch (D:\javatmp\playwright-java-17341893639368050182\package\lib\dispatchers\dispatcher.js:330:22)
 at com.microsoft.playwright.impl.WaitableResult.get(WaitableResult.java:54)


Release : 16.0.1, 16.0.2


This is caused by DE65070


DE65070 is fixed in 16.0.3

Workarounds :

Option 1: Switch to SAML 2.0 instead of Legacy SSO if Legacy SSO is being used with the Cookie

Option 2: Remove the custom Cookie if possible