Why unisrvcntr stop CA-WAAE stops WCC services
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Why unisrvcntr stop CA-WAAE stops WCC services


Article ID: 241635


Updated On:


Autosys Workload Automation


When we stop CA-WAAE services, it stops CA-wcc and CA-wcc_services and throughs out users connected to WCC.

This is causing a problem in our high availability environment. 


Release : 12.0

Component :


When you run “unisrvcntr stop CA-WAAE” it stops WCC Services in addition to AutoSys Services.

Sustaining Engineering verified and confirmed this is an intentional feature.

As in 12.0 version by default WCC is installed on the same machine as AutoSys, they have designed CA-WAAE to stop/start all the AutoSys and WCC Services.

You can consult the “CA-WAAE” under /etc/init.d directory for list of the services :

# Required-Start: $network $remote_fs CA-wcc waae_webserversoap CA-wcc-services waae_webserver.L12 waae_sched.L12 waae_agent-WA_AGENT waae_server.L12

# Required-Stop: $network $remote_fs CA-wcc waae_webserversoap CA-wcc-services waae_webserver.L12 waae_sched.L12 waae_agent-WA_AGENT waae_server.L12


There are several possible solutions :

1. Either install WCC on a separate machine for better performance.

2. Or use a shell script to stop AutoSys Services only by : 


unisrvcntr stop waae_webserversoap

unisrvcntr stop waae_webserver.L12

unisrvcntr stop waae_sched.L12

unisrvcntr stop waae_agent-WA_AGENT

unisrvcntr stop waae_server.L12


You can consult the following community poste for an alternate solution to use very carefully:
